Hello to all of my fellow Issacs Scholars! School is right around the corner and I know we all want to have a successful semester! As a fellow college student myself, I am here to help you do just that!
Steps to A Successful Semester:
1) Meet with your advisor and figure out the classes you have to take towards your major. Make sure you are enrolled to all your classes of your choosing, by your colleges Add/Drop Deadline. To help you pick your classes, you may want to use my favorite tool Rate My Professor, or you can ask a upperclassmen for their experiences in certain professor classes as well. (Steps on how to do this, are located at the end of this blog! )
2) Create your own schedule. Once you have all the classes you are going to take. Create a Google Calendar of all your class times, Professors Office Hours, and clubs. If you don't have a method to keep track of your classes you will miss class. In addition to this, I encourage you all to go to class because your paying for these classes and it would be a waste of money to not to attend a class. In addition to that, make sure to attend class on time because professors do take notice of everything you do, no matter how little or big your class sizes are. When creating your schedule, look at the calendar and see what times you have available, then see when your assignments and homework's are due and dedicate times to do them and make it become your routine.
3) Attend your Professors Office Hours, introduce yourself and make yourself known by the Professor. I say this because one day, you might need them to write a letter of recommendation from them and they cannot write a letter of recommendation for a student they know nothing about. So get to know them, they are human beings like us students too!
4) Join the classes group chats and get to know your TA, if you do have one! They will honestly save you! A TA, or teachers assistant; is there to help the teacher grade assignments, help students when the Professor is not available etc. Some students are sometimes not comfortable talking to the professor, which is where the TA comes in and they can help you. Please note: The TA is not the Professor so for certain things you might have to go to the professor for. Joining class group chats are really helpful because you get to know your classmates, make friends, study buddies or groups etc.
5) READ YOUR SYLLABUS!! Your Syllabus is a document that the Professor shares at the beginning of your class, that has all the information of when all your assignments and final exam are due or take place. It can answer a lot of questions you have about the class and not reading it you can potentially cause you to be doing a disservice to yourself.
6) Join Clubs and Attend School Events! Just doing your work and going home/dorm is boring! Get involved on campus! By getting involved on campus you have the possibility to make new friends or network with people who may be in a similar field as you. For example, if you are going into the nursing field, you might want to join the Pre-Nursing Club where students that are currently in the field that your in, teach you how to build a good nursing school application, share their experiences on what nursing school is like, what classes to take and tips on how to get a good grade and so much more!
7) Sign Up for UNIDAYS! UNIDAYS, is a app that gives college students access to discounts to certain stores to help them save their coins! Just download the UNIDAYS app, sign up with your college email, and add your favorite stores and receive the discounts. If your favorite store isn't on UNIDAYS, you can always ask them if they do give college students discounts.