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My Health & Wellness perspective


Health and wellness Means many things to me I say it starts from within from Mental health to your Physical health. If you're not feeding your body and mind the rest of you can't function. I would say give your body more gratitude for always recovering no matter what it goes through. Feed it the right foods for you to feel well rested and energized I always try to eat fruits and 2 vegetables every meal, not over fill my plate. I Drink lots of water and cut out all juices and sodas because I realized that my skin was darker than normal. From all the sugar in my body, my foot blew up and I knew that I never wanted any more sugarer drinks or candy. AGAIN!! I started eating fruits natures candy , nuts,, salads. Now from a Mental standpoint I would say have that one thing you can express yourself to or that one person where you can let a lode off and let all your feelings out. You can write , read , meditate/crystals , listen to music/ write music, draw, go for a walk get connected with nature, you can also get a mentor , or therapist. Physical wellness is as important working out, running , boxing , balling anything to make you look good and feel good. Well, see you on my next blog!

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