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College Planning Help for Homeschoolers


    If you're a homeschooled student, you may prepare for college in the same manner that regular high school students do: by taking rigorous coursework, studying diligently, and asking your instructor for assistance when needed.

AP Exams: If you pass an AP Exam with a qualifying score, you may be eligible for college credit or advanced course placement at hundreds of universities around the country. AP Exams are generally available to homeschoolers at a local institution that administers them.

Get contact information for local AP coordinators by calling or emailing AP Services for Students at 888-225-5427 or

Courses that can be officially branded "AP": If your homeschool provider wants to offer a course that can be officially called "AP," they'll need to send information to the College Board so we can make sure it satisfies AP criteria. They'll need to fill out an AP Course Audit form to do so. Find out more about the AP Course Audit and how it might help homeschoolers.

Your homeschool provider can get complimentary copies of the 2019-20 AP course and exam descriptions (CED) for the topics they're teaching after the College Board authorizes the course. They may also get CEDs and authentic AP practice examinations to help them study for the exams.

Taking the SAT: The SAT is a college admissions exam used by most American schools to assist them determine which students to admit. Homeschooled kids, like any other student, can register for the SAT online or on paper. Use code 970000 anywhere on the registration form where you're asked for your high school code.

Taking the PSAT/NMSQT: Each year in October, the Preliminary SAT/National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test (PSAT/NMSQT®) is administered. It is the qualifying test for entrance into the National Merit® Scholarship Program and assesses the same knowledge and abilities as the SAT. To take the PSAT/NMSQT, you'll need to find a local high school that offers the test.

Practice for the SAT and PSAT/NMSQT for free: Official SAT Practice on Khan Academy® is one of the finest methods to study for the SAT or PSAT/NMSQT. It's free, it's online, and it creates a tailored study plan for you based on your prior SAT or PSAT/NMSQT results or short Khan Academy tests.

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